När jordens alla hav stiger så inget land blir kvar

Santosh berättade för mig vad han och hans vänner fantiserade om när de var små. Tänk när jordens alla hav stiger så högt att alla länder täcks av vatten. Vad gör alla människor då? Människor söker alltid räddning och naturligtvis söker de sig till Mount Everest, jordens högsta berg. Vilken möjlighet för landet Nepal och dess befolkning! Vilken avgift de skulle kunna ta ut av jordens hela befolkning! Vad rika de skulle bli!

måndag 23 november 2015

En lärorik historia

När vi satt och pratade med Dilip om hans studier och livsplan, talade vi bland annat om hur viktigt det är med livserfarenhet och inte bara studier för att bli en bra doktor. Då drog han sig till minnes en historia från hinduiska skrifter som stärker våra tankar. När vi var ute och handlade översatte han den till engelska åt oss.

Listening, reading, understanding isnt' enough we should be experienced 

Once upon a time, in one country, there used to live one thief. He was too clever that no one can catch him. Even the king had declared the great prize for the one who can catch the thief and handle to the king. He was so clever that e even clearify to all people that he would come to steal their own home, but also no one can caught him.
The days passed and the thief becomes old. One day his son asked him for the way to steal. Then the old man asked him if he could handle his own livelihood by stealing only. His son replied he could do. Then they went to one hom for stealing. First of all they entered to one room of that house. The thief asked his son to enter to next room. Then he shouted ”THIEF CAME!” Thief came and ran away from there. All the people of that home started to search him (the son). They were a bit confused as the door was closed but not locked. They feel surprised and went inside the room by lightening the candle. Then,the son ran away from there. Other people were following him. He saw a pond there and threw big stones there and ran another way The people here were confused where the thief was. But thief was in his own home safe. He was totally confused what his father try to to, whether he want his son to be catched. So, he asked his father about the situation. His father replied and give instructions and knowledge after asking the situation that how he was able to ascape from there.
His father told him that only knowledge and instructions cant do anything. We should be experienced. Experience is the main key to be in success. No one can be perfect without experience. The work can't be completed if some one had planned for you. It wouldn't work. We should make plan for ourself and follow. That would be fruitful. So, only by knowing anything isn't enough to complete the task, we should be experienced first. Then only work will be efficient.

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