När jordens alla hav stiger så inget land blir kvar

Santosh berättade för mig vad han och hans vänner fantiserade om när de var små. Tänk när jordens alla hav stiger så högt att alla länder täcks av vatten. Vad gör alla människor då? Människor söker alltid räddning och naturligtvis söker de sig till Mount Everest, jordens högsta berg. Vilken möjlighet för landet Nepal och dess befolkning! Vilken avgift de skulle kunna ta ut av jordens hela befolkning! Vad rika de skulle bli!

tisdag 23 december 2008

The dream of my life

21 december

Det passar väl bra så här i juletider att läsa om de största drömmarna. Här kommer några drömmar om framtiden från några elever i klass 7. De är alla 12-13 år gamla. Jag har inte ändrat särskilt mycket i engelskan, bara kapat de värsta felen. I nepali skiljer man inte på bestämd och obestämd artikel. Verbet sätter man sist i meningen. Därför är det svårt i engelskan att förstå hur det ska låta ibland. Det kan man skönja här. Det finns hopp om framtiden. God läsning!

  • My name is Santosh Gurung. I am 11 years old. I read in class 7. I have my own dream in my life. My dream is to go to British Army. If I am chosen in British Army I could earn lot of money. I can hold my house from that money. I will give better education to my brother. I will build fine house.

  • When I was in class 6 I saw many dreams. Among them my loveliest or biggest dream is to be nurse and make hospital in Hemja. In Hemja many people are poor. I want to give free medical treatment. People are not educated. I want to develop Hemja. I want to help poor orphans and helpless children. They don’t know what is right and wrong. They cannot get proper health check up. I gave them medical treatment and help them. Make them more educated persons.

    Girl, aged 13

  • I have the one dream in my life. My name is Amrit Poudel. I love my country Nepal very much. On this time the country Nepal is in bad condition. I want to make the condition of Nepal and Nepalese people good. I want to do something for my country. I want to develop my village and my country in future. I want to be a good scientist for my country. I want to make a lot of things for my country. I want to help the Nepalese people who are in trouble by giving them their necessary things. Mostly I will focus on the development of my country and goodness of my Nepalese people. Firstly I will start my dream from the poor people then I will start my other dream for developing my country. I want to make many infrastructure of development in my country Nepal. If I went to the foreign country I could not forget my country.

  • My lovely Nepal is beautiful but more of people are poor. They can’t get more education and health. My village is also not developed. There is no roadway and other facilities. So, I want to develop more and provide needed facilities. The have to loose their life because there is no hospital so I want to build hospital.

    Niveelita Suredi

  • Every one has their own dream in their life so I have also many dreams. Among them one is my best dream. I am going to describe about. I am to be a good nurse. I like to visit many villages and help them. I like to give treatment and give medicine to the poor and orphans. And I gave them the knowledge about the health. I like to organize a program about the health. I help the people when they are in trouble.

    Amrita Thapa

  • Everybody has dreams in their life. I have also many dreams. Among them I am going to describe about it. When I was 11 years old I saw I was flying in the sky like a bird. It is a very interesting dream. I saw I was flying all over the countries. It was very quiet and fresh environment. Evergreen forest, snow-capped hills, many seas and oceans. They were very beautiful. Then I was awake up.

    My future dream is to be air-hostess. In the aeroplane I will help the people in the aeroplane by giving them some delicious food and by serving the people in every problem which the passengers have.

    Ranjana Poudel

  • Our life is short. It is also one dream. We have many dreams in our life. Among them, my loveliest or biggest dream is to be doctor and make one hospital in Hemja in the name of my father because he wants to make me doctor and my aim is also to be doctor. Then if I earn money I want to visit different and beautiful religious places of India and Nepal. I want to make many houses in different places in which poor orphans, old people sit. I also want to visit Janakpur and Adhoydha if it is possible. So I pray to God that one time please give me chance to visit it and to gain more knowledge about it. Because I love Janakpur so much.

    Nepal is one country which is very beautiful. I am also very glad to be born here. It is very beautiful but it cannot be developed. I also want to teach them not to go to foreign country to earn money because we can do more develop in our country. If I earn money I give my money for the development of my lovely and beautiful country Nepal.

    Binita Poudel

  • Life is so much short. In my life I want to do many things. But one of my dreams is that I want to help the poor people which are in my country. Now, I didn’t do anything to them. We are so much poor. Only my father was earn. When I look who didn’t have any home and children are uneducated then I have so much pain in my heart. I want to do better than my parents. When I look in TV so much children in the road. They didn’t have parents. They pick up dust and eat that dust things. When they are sick then they didn’t have money. Children are so much unlucky who didn’t have parents. Our parents help in our small, small problem. I think that the road children have also many dreams but they can’t fulfil that dream. In future I have much money then I build a hospital for poor people, school for road children that want to go to school, good clothes. They want to do many things in future, want to be rich, want to read and write, they want a home, want to be a student. This is one of my dreams in my life.

    Sajana Thapa

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